Beware of Contemporary Foxes
Songs of Solomon 2:15
As Christians, we must beware of contemporary foxes that can hinder our progress and destroy our vines.
What is a fox?
A fox is a carnivorous mammal of the dog family; metaphorically, a fox is an animal that depicts cunningness.
Some little foxes litigating against the children of God are:
- CONSERVATISM: This simply means being opposed to change, innovation and holding on to traditional values.
Acts 10: 10 – 15, Galatians 2: 1
Embrace the philosophy of change to eradicate conservatism by:
- Changing your thinking system
- Changing your life style
- Changing your dream
- PESSISIMISM: This is having a negative outlook or attitude to life.
John 1: 26 (some persons are like this in this pandemic era).
Being pessimistic hinders you from seeing anything good within or outside your environment or spheres of contact.
- LAZINESS: This simply means to be idle, inability to work hard.
Being lazy gives room to poverty.
- PROCRASTINATION: This means to put off what is needed to be done now to a later day.
Songs of Solomon 5: 2 – 6
- SEXUAL IMMORALITY: This sin is now being packaged with new terminologies by the devil that no more heed is now being paid to it.
The scripture advises in 1st Corinthians 6: 18 to flee from this contemporary fox
Beware of all the contemporary foxes to enable you have a meaningful life.
- Not ready to make changes means one is not ready to be successful in life.
- A lazy man cannot make it in life.
- God wants you to be optimistic, to have a positive outlook to life
Positive confessions:
- I am wonderfully made
- I am beautiful
- I am optimistic
- The investment of God in my life is not a waste
- I will not sink in this pandemic era
- I will not give up nor write myself off
- I reject laziness