1samuel 17:46-47

whenever a new year is about to break forth like year 2020, there are usually battles, struggles and opportunities. And before you partake of the opportunities, you must fight some battles because life is full of battles.

There are three main battles that usually come with the new year, and they are as follows:
1. Battle against destiny

Prayer: in the name of Jesus, I will fulfill my destiny

  1. Battle against giant
  2. Battle against lions


Prayer points:

  • My father take over my battles this year
  • My father takes over every battle against my destiny this year
  • My father takes over all the battles remaining for me to fight this year
  • My father every evil and tragedy that remain of this year, let them be far away from me and my house-hold
  • My father arises, every blessings and benefit that remain in this year, release them unto me
  • In the name of Jesus, I will end this year well
  • My father every battle I need to fight in this year, take over and fight them for me
  • Every waster that is after my life, die by fire
  • Every that is dispatch to devour my life, die in the name of Jesus
  • Lord i transfer all my battles to you, give me victory in the name of Jesus