As a continuation from where we stopped, we must know that the battle that usually comes with new year are:

  1. Battle of fear and apprehension
  2. Battle against unfriendly friends
  3. Battle against despisers and mockers

Prayer points:

  • Lord of host take over all battles over my life
  • Whatever problem that is in my life that is making people to mock me, lord of host remove them today
  • All my despisers and mockers, my father, this year put them to shame
  • Every agenda of forces of darkness over my life be destroy
  • Every rain of disgrace that is about to burst on my head this year, in the name of Jesus i send it to my enemies
  • Every house-hold unfriendly friends, lord of host arise and scatter them by fire
  • My father i report all unfriendly friends to you today arise and in your own way deal with them
  • My father all unfriendly friends that will not allow to enjoy this year, roast them by fire
  • Every fear that hinder me from enjoying this year, I overcome you now
  • Because God is with me my tomorrow shall be alright.
    I will shine this year
  • Every seed of fear of future, failure and tomorrow be uprooted in my life
  • I cover myself with the blood of Jesus, every yoke of fear and apprehension break in the name of Jesus
  • I decree, this year, God will send help unto me
  • My father you are my great helper, in the year this year send help unto me
  • In the name of Jesus I will end this year well.
  • Every evil that remains in this year will not be my portion
  • My father i hand over all my battles this year into your hands, take over and fight them for me
  • My father every battle against my destiny this year, take over and fight them for me
  • My father by your mercy, push me to begin to fulfill my destiny this year
  • Every giant standing on my way to glory, fall in the name of Jesus
  • Every lion planning to devour me, Holy-Ghost fire consume them