1 Samuel 30:1-19

From the above bible passages, the following thing are to be noted, and they are as follows:

  1. Life is full of battles
  2. It is possible to encounter losses in the journey of life
  3. Satanic invasion are major causes of losses
  4. The effects of losses are devastating
  5. It is possible to recover from losses

Prayer points:
1. My father, my father all effect of losses in my life cancel it in the name of Jesus

  1. All satanic invaders commissioned for me to encounter losses, die by fire in Jesus name
  2. All form of losses coming into my life i reject it
  3. My father, my father every attack that will turn my family and subordinate against me i nullify it
  4. Every attack of losses the enemy is throwing at me, back to sender
  5. Every attacks and counter attack the enemy is launching against me at this end of the year i cancel it in Jesus name
  6. In the name of Jesus i declare a state of emergence in the camp of my enemy
  7. All agents of darkness dispatch to afflict me at the end of this year, roast by fire in Jesus name
  8. In the journey of life, whatever i have lost i decree i recover all in Jesus name
  9. In the name of Jesus i decree i will end this year well, i will not end the year in sorrow
  10. Thank you Jesus for all you have being doing in my life
  11. My father, my father i worship you