Resisting the enemy part 2
exodus 15:9

Prayer: my father arise and put a stop to all the activities of the enemy in my life and household.

Whenever we are talking about resisting the enemy, we need to know who the enemy is, and his activities, and how to resist the enemy

In the first part of this lecture, i explained to us that the major enemy of the believer is the devil. That is why the bible says we should resist the devil and he shall surely flee from us.

But beyond that, the devil is been represented by other various enemy; we have principalities, spiritual wickedness in high places, rulers of darkness, etc.

In looking at the activities of the enemy, i told us that exodus 15:9 summarizes the activities of the enemy.

We examined three in the first part and today, we shall be examining three activities of the enemy. And they are as follows:

  1. The enemy is a lust satisfier
    acts 23:9-10
  2. The enemy is a killer
  3. The enemy is a destroyer of anything good

Resisting mean to counter.

Prayer points:

  • All those who are harassing me in the journey of life, holy-ghost fire consume them now
  • All enemy that are planning to satisfy their lust upon my life, i say die
  • I cover my flesh and my blood and that of my children with the blood of Jesus
  • As this year is running to an end, anyone planning to eat my flesh and drink my blood, father feed them with the flesh and blood of their children
  • Every enemy boasting that he will deal with me, i come against the enemy. In the name of Jesus, i say die
  • I reject arrow of sudden death,
    every arrow of sudden death the enemy is throwing at me, i reject you
  • Every order of sudden death placed upon my life by any enemy, i cancel you in the name of Jesus
  • Every satanic conspiracy against my life, scatter by fire
  • Every evil hand that is been stretched forth to destroy me, catch fire
  • Every hidden enemy launching attack against me, father fish them out and destroy them
  • I will shine in this month of November, i will make it.